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“From the “Me too” movement to prominent females the likes of Hillary Clinton and Nikki Haley on the world stage, women are feeling more empowered and they have found their voice,' she said. Laurie Betito, sex therapist and director of Pornhub's Sexual Wellness Center, told the company that 2017 has empowered women to step up and express their desires more openly. So why was there a sudden increase in women users? Dr.

In fact, the search term 'porn for women' increased by over 1400 percent from 2016 on the site - a staggering increase that blew other search terms away. Pornhub recently released its year-end data for 2017, and among the many revelations found that the number of women looking up porn exploded. But in 2017, an epic year for porn, data shows that the women in your life are probably watching it too.

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Chances are, you probably watch porn, and so does every other guy you know.

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